Skagit Valley
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Bellingham 2018~15
Bellingham City 2018
Chuckanut Bay

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© John Holstein

Skagit Valley begins at the southern ends of Chuckanut Drive and Blanchard Mountain.
A view of Skagit Valley from the paragliders' launch pad on Blanchard Mountain. That's Mt. Rainier in the distance, 140 miles to the south. You can find more views from Blanchard Mountain's Samish Overlook of Samish Bay.
On Bayview Road, south of Edison.
Edison, Whatcom County, on West Bow Hill and Farm to Market Roads. The photo above is of the main and only intersection in this town of art galleries, small restaurants and two bars. (I haven't got my own shot of Edison yet, so I had to borrow one. The photo appeared in this article.) See more views of Edison on this page.
Samish Creek, south of Edison
Jeremy and Emily got some good horseback riding in the foothills around Mt. Vernon.
On Samish Island
No, it's not the Fourth of July. It's Trump country. A close-up of the windows follows.
The writing isn't all legible, but what I can make out is a message of love and peace.
This waterfront neighborhood doesn't seem to be a town--though it has a community center, I can't find any town name on the map. In fact, I couldn't find any town names on a map of Samish Island. This is near Fish Point.
Skagit Valley farmland
Amazing tulip farms in Skagit Valley
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