Around Bellingham 2018
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Bellingham City

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© John Holstein

Mt. Baker from Chuckanut Ridge trail. Chuckanut Mountain is just south of Bellingham.
Along Chuckanut Ridge trail.
Heather Meadow, on the way to Artist's Ridge for views of Mt. Baker and Mt. Shuksan. Check out more views of Heather Meadow and the Mount Baker area on this page.
The enemy alien flying saucer that deposited Donald Trump on the Earth. Just kidding. Lenticular Cloud, Wikipedia: "As air travels along the surface of the Earth, obstructions are often encountered. These include both natural features of the Earth, such as mountains or hills, and man-made structures, such as buildings and other structures. These disrupt the flow of air into "eddies", or areas of turbulence influenced by these obstructions. When moist, stable air flows over a larger eddie, like those caused by mountains, a series of large-scale standing waves form on the leeward side of the mountain."
Clayton Beach in Larrabee State Park, just a few miles south of Bellingham. That's my hiking buddy, Fran. More views of Clayton Beach here.
The Nooksack River, loved by salmon and humans alike, gorgeous from beginning to end. Two of its three sources are glaciers.
A nursing stump. They're everywhere you look.
See? What did I tell ya!
No surprise to learn that they named this Rock Trail. It's in Larrabee State Park and Chuckanut Mountain, and it leads to the cliffs over Lost Lake. See more views here.
Skagit Valley, south of Bellingham. That's Mt. Rainier in the distance, looking south. You can see photos of Samish Bay, the small village Edison, Bay View State Park, Samish Island and more on this page.
Samish Bay Overlook, just south of Bellingham. Paragliders often take off at this point. Friend Tony and I video-recorded on launching and then. . .and then. . . (The two observers are John and Tony. We sound like little kids because neither of us have been that close to a paragliding event.)
Though you can hardly see it, Anacortes is there at the foot of the foothills of the Olympic Range. (The photo was taken from Samish Overlook.)
The Eclipse trip survivors waiting for their beer in Anacortes
A tree crossing its legs.
Along the hiking trail off Bayview Road, south of Edison
Jin at Artist Point, our favorite observation spot for Mt Baker and the North Cascades Range. More views here.
At Artist Point, with Mt. Shuksan in back of us.
Along Highway 9
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