Bellingham Political Activity
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© John Holstein

Democratic Campaign Bellingham headquarters during the 2016 campaign. The office was usually a lot busier than this, with volunteers coming and going. Only two or three people were hired. We won the state (including all the electoral votes) but lost the country.
B'hamers are no slouches when it comes to supporting the right cause.
After a several-year struggle between Bellinghamers and the coal industry over building a coal export terminal at Cherry Point, the State of Washington denied permission to build the terminal. Those who wanted the terminal appealed to a federal court, but in 2016 the court turned down their appeal.
At the March's Point anti-oil protest near Anacortes, May of 2015. Environmentalists and native Americans got together to stop increased train traffic to Anacortes (south of Belilngham).
Kicking off the protest march to March's Point. The official name of the Anacortes protest was the Break Free Pacific Northwest Rally.
Getting people to join the Break Free rally. Jill MacIntyre Witt (at far left) is head of
The climate took a hard punch to the stomach when we lost the presidential election of 2016. Looks like somebody didn't work hard enough to get out the tree-hugger vote against Trump.
Another rally (in front of City Hall) in support of the people holding out at Standing Rock against the DAPL pipeline. September 2016. The Native Americans sued the pipeline, and, as of December 2018, the pipeline is still mired in litigation in spite of Trump's support. During that year of unrest at Standing Rock Bellinghamers protested several times.
The Climate March in April, 2017
"On Feb. 11, 2017 about 100 demonstrators, calling themselves water protectors, blocked the northbound lanes of Interstate 5 just south of the Lakeway Drive exit for about an hour that afternoon to protest the federal government’s handling of the Dakota Access pipeline." Most of those who gathered stayed off the freeway.
At the anti-gun rally at City Hall in March 2018, after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.
In November of 2018 Trump fired Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General, and Bellingham protested.
Bellingham's strong participation (around 2,500) in the Global Climate Strike on September 20.
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