The "Deserted" Shrine on Boi Chau Lane
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© John Holstein 2018
Deserted shrine in Boi Chau Lane off Dien Bien Phu Road, southwest Hue.
Or maybe it's not deserted. Looking at the photos again, we don't see the debris-strewn floor nor the thick layer of dust that would indicate that the temple is deserted.
This youngster saw me snooping around the deserted (?) shrine, and thought I deserved something better, so he escorted me to the temple (next photo) further down the lane, around the bend. In the next photo.
I named the photo's file "garden temple," but "great Bo tree photo" would be just as good.
Not knowing the name of this temple, I call it the "garden temple," because of its lush flora.
A monk who resides at the garden temple. Apparently a very warm-hearted gentleman, but it was impossible to carry on more than a two-lline conversation because of our mutual ignorance of each other's language.
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