West Bank Perfume River North of Hue
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Hue 2018
Here and There Hue 2018
Ho Chi Minh City 2018
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© John Holstein 2018
In Hue there are at least three areas of family memorial shrines. One is southwest of Hue, one is east (near Thanh Toan Bridge), and another is north, on the road that follows closely on the Perfume River. Here you can see a few shots of the northern concentration, which continues along the road for a couple miles.
What's with the hard hat?
I don't know the name of this clan shrine, so, for purposes of filing, we'll call it the Yellow Perfume River Shrine. More shots here.
One of a few fabulous tombs in the northern cemetery.
Clan memorial shrines line the road for a distance of about one kilometer .
Even humbler clans honor their ancestors with shrines.
The northern one kilometer of the road is like this.
And then, at Thanh Phuoc village, where the Bo River meets the Perfume, it's the end of the line.
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