Eagle Attack
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Bellingham City 2018

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© John Holstein


Mother Mallard and her young brood were paddling peacefully on the lake in front of my house . . .
. . . while, high in the sky above, eagles consorted in planning lunch.
Then they began their attack. Oh, woe is the Mallard family. How many ducklings will be sacrificed to the eagles' ravenous appetites and monstrous skills?
Hate to interrupt, but I must point out the red wing blackbird flying above the eagle as he dived. I saw the bird harrassing an eagle at other times when the eagle messed with the ducks.
The eagle strikes.
Whoops. Dang it, missed! The little bastard ducked underwater.
He flies off, really pissed. Get a look at that angry puss.
But he's back again, this time for another prey.
Got it! Heck, carp tastes better than duckling any day of the week.
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