Sulawesi - Torajaland
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Indonesia 2013 Summer
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© 2013 John Holstein
Many thanks to Rio Paul--friend and guide--for a great visit to Sulawesi.
Sulawesi used to be known as the Celebes. (I got the map from this site.)
Merapi in the foregrround, on the flight from Yogyakarta to Sulawesi early in the morning. Photo by Rio Paul, as are the next two photos.
Photo by Rio Paul, 2013.
Photo by Rio Paul, 2013.
On the road from Makassar, the southern tip of Sulawesi, to Randepao in Torajaland. See more views of that 7-hour journey here.
Peaceful, quiet Rantepao, tourism base in Torajaland. Check out this page for more photos of this small city.
Here are more shots from Torajaland, in the general vicinity of Randepao.