Goa Pindu and Nglanggeran
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Indonesia 2013 Summer
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Jogja Vicinity Summer 2013
Jogja Summer 2013
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© 2013 John Holstein
Goa Pindu is an ordinary small village, in the high hills between Jogja and Wonosari. It's near a popular tubing and rafting site, but I saw no tubers or rafters venturing into the village.
A traditional Javanese house

My Indonesian language teacher Mr. Zia translates the calligraphy as:

Ash-adu alla ilaha Illallah (I testify that there is no god except Allah)
Ash-hadu anna Muhammadar rasulullah (I testify that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger)

Sights like this delight the eye when you ride Java's country roads. This is at the foot of Mt. Nglanggeran.
From Nglanggeran. That's Mt. Merapi in the distance.
Nglanggeran is a karst mountain, with two major peaks. The climb up takes only an hour and a half.
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