Outside the Cities
Ubei Teak Bridge. This bridge, just outside Ubei Village and near the ancient capital Amarapura, is several hundred years old and still in very good condition; at 1.2 kilometers, it's the longest teak bridge in the world. Click here for more views.
(Photo by Shearer.)
The main road through Ubei Village.
(Photo by Holstein.)
A village outside Mandalay. They reminded me of Korean villages, where the farmers' houses are not out by their fields but all gathered in the town. Click here for another village view from the air.
(Photo by Holstein.)
Swe In Bin Kyaung, at Sweta Canal south of 35th Street in Mandalay. This is one of the very few wooden temples to be seen in Burma; most are constructed of rock and cement. Click here or on the photo for more scenes.
(Photo by Holstein.)
A village on the outskirts of Mandalay. Notice how clean! This is no exception for villages in Burma.
(Photo by Holstein.)
Gaily colored ox carts form the wedding train of a German and a Swiss couple who decided to start their 75-year-old lives together again in Bagan. The photo was taken from North Guni Temple, where the ceremony was to be held.
(Photo by Barry.)
A monastery.
(Photo by Kaliher.)
Mount Popa, another monastery, an hour's drive from Bagan. For a look inside, click HERE.
(Photo by Weigert.)
Jumping Cat Monastery, Inle Lake. The monks have trained cats to do some tricks. Our koan for today: "Why would a monk train cats to do tricks?"
(Photo by Schafrick.)
Monks atop one of the pagodas included in the Alo-pyi Group in Bagan.
(Photo by Schafrick.)
Sunrise over the Ayeyarwaddy River. This was taken on the boat en route to Bagan from Mandalay. (The boat departs Mandaly before dawn. Ed: Note the UFO on the river, and I dare you to question the use of "F.")
(Photo by Schafrick.)
Baloons Over Bagan is the name of the company that offers this ride. You can choose rides of different altitudes, the panorama ride from way up and the details ride from a lower altitude. Both rides last about 45 minutes, for only $195! (You will note that the photographer provided no photos from either ride.) The editor once saw a baloon way on the other side of the Ayeyarwaddy River, apparently blown off-course.
(Photo by Weigert.)