Chua Thien Hung
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© John Holstein 2020
Chua Thien Hung. A modern Buddhist temple endowed by Vietnam's King Croesus, whoever that may be. Like in the Khai Doan Pagoda in Buon Me Thuot, everything is exquisitely crafted. But the grounds are much more extensive than in Khai Doan. This temple/pagoda is about 30 km north of Quy Nhon. I was surprised to find only one English-language site--Trip Advisor--that introduces this place, most likely because it is so new.
In back of the main Budhha in the main prayer hall


A great meditation face
Old Vietnamese script derived from Chinese characters. Wikipedia: "Since the 12th century, several Vietnamese words started to be written in chu nom, using variant Chinese characters, each of them representing one word. The system was based on chu han, but was also supplemented with Vietnamese-invented characters . . . to represent native Vietnamese words."
Divinities in a shrine in the garden
The broken-pottery mosaic art is ubiquitous throughout Vietnam...
 is calligraphy of modern script...
...and ornamental tree art.
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