Chua Khmer Chim
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© John Holstein 2019
Welcome to one of Tra Vinh's severable venerable forest temples.
Chua (Temple) Khmer Chim, a 20-minute bike ride outside Tra Vinh. In the foreground, the lady washing her long hair: "According to Buddhist myths, Phra Mae Thorani is personified as a young woman wringing the cool waters of detachment out of her hair to drown Mara, the demon sent to tempt Gautama Buddha as he meditated under the Bodhi Tree."( Remember this for a photograph from another temple, on another page.) Here are more photos of Chua Khmer Chim.
As in Hindu temples I've seen in Bali, Buddhists who practice their philosophy let nature have its way. Seems that ants are salvaging the remains of a wasp hive.


A story from the life of Buddha. Here he is still in the palace, before giving up the life of safety and comfort and going out into a harsh world.
At all the temples I saw kids enjoying themselves on the spacious wooden grounds.
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