Chua Ang (Chùa Âng)
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Vietnam Delta 2019

Tra Vinh
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© John Holstein 2019
In the background is the main prayer hall of Chua Ang.
I spent an hour on the Internet trying to identify the tree, when I finally realized that the interesting part is not the tree but the vine climbing the tree. So I tried to identify the vine, all to no avail.


The blossom of the ?? vine.
Google showed me so many photos of these weird trees on the banks of Ba Om Pond, but in only one source could I find its name: Star tree.
Kids love to play on these Star trees which reach hundreds of years old.
My finger was already on its downward trajectory to the shutter button when the monk shouted, "No!" Too late. In the page for Chua Khmer Chim is presented a photo of Phra Mae Thorani, who wrung "the cool waters of detachment out of her hair to drown Mara, the demon sent to tempt Gautama Buddha." I'm thinking this may be a ritual based on that story.
In the main prayer hall (the first photo on this page)
A shrine in the woods
Meditation huts
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