Can Tho - River Life
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Vietnam Delta 2019
Can Tho
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© John Holstein 2019
Can Tho is on the very broad River Hau, but most business--including the floating markets--happens on the narrower (but still pretty broad) Can Tho River. Dozens of heavily-used interconnecting narrow rivers and streams surround the city. The Mekong is a couple hours' bus ride to the east of Can Tho.
Early morning, pre-coffee. A veggie boat in Can Tho's floating market. Note the pineapple on the stick above the boat. It's to tell prospective buyers (on other boats) what this boat is selling. (The next few views are of the floating market.)


It's around 07:00 now, so these kids must be on their way to school.
A mega-freighter
Living quarters of a big freighter
And there are the real whoppers owned by large corporations.
Off the main river and into one of the many canals that service Can Tho and its environs.
These spike-like things are the lungs of the mangrove tree. When the roots are submerged in water or soggy ground, the tree cannot breathe, so it sends up these oxygen collectors from the roots below.
These are mangrove roots on drier land. (Photo courtesy of
The flower of a Screwpine tree, whose branches look to me more palm than pine.
Twilight on Rak Cai Ke canal
Lots of night life on the river.
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