The Citadel
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© John Holstein 2018
This is one of several gates to the Citadel, erected around 1804. Inside the walls of 4 square kilomters is the sprawling compound of the Imperial City (with its own walls of a total length of 2.5 kilometers), and inside that is the "Purple Forbidden City." Outside the Imperial City but still inside the Citadel walls is the old city of shops and residences of people that supported the Imperial City. Apparently no tourist accommodations are allowed inside the Citadel walls, but it's quite interesting to explore the old city.
In 1968, during the American war, the Viet Cong took over the Citadel, and when the Americans tried to dislodge the Viet Cong, they destroyed many of the buildings. Since then, the country been restoring the damaged buildings, fortunately using excellent techniques to maintain the feeling of antiquity.
A photo representation of the entire Citadel would require a website all to itself. Here are just a few photos to give you a taste of what you will find.
In the following photo you can get a close-up view of the artwork.
The outside wall.
No, the ballustrade isn't circular; that's the camera's wide-angle effect.
Still a lot of work to be done. Or just let it be?
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