Mt. Rainier
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© John Holstein

Mt. Rainier from Samish Overlook in Bellingham, 150 to the north. (It doesn't really loom like this over all of Washington. The photo was taken with a strong zoom.)
Though Mt. Rainier is still an active volcano, its last eruption was 1,000 years ago. But there is plenty of evidence of volcanic activity.
And not only past activity. Take a look at that steam. There was some coming out on the other side of the peak, too.
One of the many glaciers on Mt. Rainier. There are more glaciers on this mountain than on any other in the continental United States.
No surprise to come across lots of beautiful streams in the area. But this one is particular. Check out the next photo.
The rocks at the bottom of the fall are pounding the water into a rainbow. Actually two, if you look to the left of the obvious one.
Note the strange crook in the tree. Even stranger is how the tree straightens up again.
What direction is the prevailing wind? One guess.
Look at the base of this Siamese Tree.
Paradise Road
You'll enjoy the following two photos more if you read about "nursing logs" and nursing stumps.
This tree grew straight up through the middle of its nursing stump.
A younger tree grows out of the right of its nursing stump.
The last few nursing stumps were seen on the Twin Firs Trail in Longmire, in the Mt. Rainier National Forest.
Light falling on the forest's inhabitants brings joy to the beholder. Twin Firs Trail.
This display in Longmire shows the growth of this tree through human history. Check out the next photo for a close-up.
Nearby Wild Berry Restaurant is owned and run by Tibetans.
In back of the Wild Berry
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