Lake Ann Trail
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© 2014 John Holstein

On August 22, 2022, Kim, Fran, Ken and I started the 9-mile round trip to Lake Ann, in the North Cascades range. I didn't make it all the way to Lake Ann-probably made it about half way--but was able to get a few shots. They are presented here, generally in the order that they were taken going out and back.
After the Lake Ann trail shots there are a few from our trip to Guemes Island.
In the valley
A welcome stretch of woods in the valley
Visit the refreshing brook we crossed in the valley.
There are three small waterfalls at this neck of the creek. Check out the video to find all three. (If you can't find the third one, it's YouTube's fault.;))
As we ascended out of the valley into the forest Mt Baker we got a look at Mt. Baker.
If you see a photo with an unnamed peak, it's because I don't know its name.
Menacing roots (from top to bottom in this photo) along the trail, waiting to snag us and send us tumbling.
Out of the woods. This and the next few photos were taken by Fran. John didn't get this far.
Mt. Shuksan
Almost there!
That's Fran looking down on Lake Ann; Kim took the photo.
On the way back, saying good-bye to Shuksan
Watch the video of this rocky slope on the way back through the valley. (John's photos from here.)
Heading for the cool, shady forest where we started. The hot rocky path was getting old and those trees ahead looked good.
A last look back on the valley and the Lake Ann trail.
Our heros Fran and Kim, and...
Ken and John
Photos from the Guemes Island Trip
That's all, folks!
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