Wat Chet Yot

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© 2017 John Holstein

Wat Chet Yot (or Jet Yod) was constructed in 1455 as a royal temple. It has extensive grounds and several interesting buildings. This temple is outside the old city, and if you don't enjoy getting lost, it may be a good idea to take a taxi your first visit. (You'll want to come back again.) The building in the photo is the main prayer hall.
"The central sanctuary, the Maha Pho, is a copy of the Mahabodhi Temple of Bodh Gaya in northern India, the location where Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, attained enlightenment." (from Wikipedia)
The west end of the Maha Pho. In the next photo you can see the Buddha that sits in the alcove. (Sorry, I can't find the meaning of the white poles.)
This is the Buddha that sits in the alcove in the preceding photo.
Note the realistic features of the figures of the deceased monks.
This is at the east end of the Maha Pho. Ohmygosh, it's the same kids!
The Buddha in the main prayer hall is plastered in gold leaf.
You can see another page of views of this temple from a previous year's visit.
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