Surat Thani

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© 2017 John Holstein

That's the ferry that carries tourists to the Gulf Coast islands of Ko Samui, Ko Pha Ngan and dozens of islands comprising Ang Thong National Marine Park. Few tourists make Surat Thani their destination, with most heading out to the islands. The city's population is around 125,000, but I saw no buildings over 4 or 5 stories. Though Surat Thani province was the regional capital of the Srivijaya Empire (third to thirteenth centuries), there is little to show for it--like a museum--in Surat Thani City. Ruins from the Empire were found in the nearby town of Chaiya, where there is a small but reportedly excellent museum.
I regret missing an opportunity to visit Chaiya National Museum, around 50 kilometers north of Surat Thani. It is said to have some very good examples of art from the Srivijaya Empire. (The photo above is from the Museum's website.)
The inside of the ferry in the photo above. This is one of the smaller, slower, humbler island ferries. People sit on the floor. But that is one nice-looking floor.
Homes bump up against the water in Surat Thani like they do in Bangkok, but these seem better maintained.
A near-by traditional market.
Southern Thailand is heavily Muslim.
Installation art?
Or maybe this one?
I got the impression that this is the center of town.
Caught you!
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