Nakhon Si Thammarat

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Chiang Mai 2013-14

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© 2017 John Holstein

Nakhon Si Thammarat is close to the east coast of the Malay peninsula. "It is one of the most ancient cities of Thailand, previously the Kingdom of Ligor, and contains many buildings and ruins of historical significance." (Wikipedia)
This seems to be downtown. The gate is a sign of a strong Chinese presence.
I like this photo because it pretty well expresses the pleasant feeling that came with the sun shower.
A statue garden. In many Thai temples statues and figurines seem to be placed willy-nilly as they arrive, with little thought of the decor of the whole.
In any Thai temple in Thailand you can see public display of memorials to deceased loved ones.
This lady, poor as a church mouse, gave me the treat on the right.
Grotesque kitsch of a new Chinese temple. There are Chinese temples that seem made for guests to pray for wealth . . .
. . . and there are others that appear to exist mainly for memorialization of ancestors.
A typical shop cum residence building. Chances are, the owner of the shop lives upstairs.
A close-up of the shop.
I can often get into a conversation when I take a public bus, but in the southern cities speakers of English are very few and far between, and I don't know Thai, so I rode all by myself.
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