Kuala Lumpur
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© 2010 John Holstein
From the basement of Petronas Towers
Chinese Buddhist temple Chan See Chu. More photos here.
Mahamariamman Hindu Temple. See the inside here.
Communications Ministry complex, in the Moorish architecture of many buildings in KL.
Jahmed Mosque, in the center of KL. A little history and more photos here.
Malaysia's National Museum. See more photos here.
The Batu Caves, with Hindu shrines. More photos here.
Contrary to first impressions, KL isn't all gleam and glitter. A street off Jalan Raja Laut, near the center of town.
In the same neighborhood as the previous photo.
Guan Di Temple, in Chinatown. See more photos here.
Sze Ye Temple. More photos here.
What's wrong with this picture taken at KL International Airport? Hint: It was taken by an English teacher who is writing a book on articles and nouns.