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North Chungcheong Province

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© John Holstein
Brian Barry, a Buddhist artist, about cairns: "I suppose that the term 'cairns' does apply to those little pagodas, but that's what they are, pagodas. The Lotus Sutra states that even those who made little pagodas out of stone will be rewarded with eventual enlightenment, and this took hold in folklore as guarantee [of] entrance to paradise. So now you know why there are so many minipagodas, especially around temples!"
At Beopju Temple, North Chungcheong Province. (2006)
At Beopju Temple, North Chungcheong Province. (2006)
At Beopju Temple, North Chungcheong Province. (2006)
At Songgwang Tmple, South Cholla Province. (2006)
On a slope of the Bukhan Mountain range. (2006)
But you ain't seen nothin' till you've seen the cairns at Ma-i-san Tapsa: