Yeongweol 2014
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© 2014 John Holstein

Almost every place in Korea boasts a special product. Mountains are Yeongweol's.
Danjongeoso House at Cheongryeongpo, where boy King Danjong lived in exile. Danjong, born in 1441, was the son of King Munjong, who was the second son of King Sejong, Korea's most highly venerated king. Munjong died when Danjong was only 12, so the Premier and Vice-premier ran the government. But then Sejong's ambitious brother Sejo led a coup d'etat and had himself named king, in the process killing most of the higher officials in the government and exiling Danjong to Yeongweol in 1455. About a year after that six of Sejong's most trusted lieutenants tried to overthrow Sejo and place Danjong on the throne, but Sejo destroyed them. He decided that Danjong would have to be eliminated, and had him killed. You can read an interesting theory about the effect of this incident on Korea's development in the article "King Danjong and Korea's Curse."
Cheongryeongpo is on the Seo River.
Geummong (Forbidden Dream) Hermitage, in Yeongweol.
Geummong Hermitage
Heungjeon Electric Supply. The owner, 86, has been running this store since forever, and it seems that his dusty inventory hasn't changed since then. (Heung = stimulant; jeon = electric. Does that mean electric shock?)
Standing Rock over the Seo River
These ancestral shrines with beautiful pines are a common sight along rural highways throughout Korea. This one was spotted on the road from Joseph Nongweon into the city.
This grand old pine is in the area of Standing Rock. I borrowed this from a website page "Yeongweol's Seon Bawi San" (Yeongweol's Standing Rock Mountain), which has a lot more very interesting photos of monumental rocks at Standing Rock Mountain waiting for your visit.
Another nice tree, just outside Yeongweol.
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