Pura Desa Jagaraga 2019
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Bali Temples 2019
All photos on this page,
except Ade's photos,
© 2019 John Holstein
Pura Desa Jagaraga is located about 10 miles east of Singaraja.
It's kind of messy because they're preparing for the big festival the following day.
We had a nice talk with these ladies and their children.
Preparing tomorrow's offerings.
Next day, while we waited for the procession to begin, the kids got Ade to tell them how to use his nice camera.
Getting ready for the procession down to the beach, about 10 miles away.
(Photo by Ade)
The procession begins. (Photo by Ade)
(Photo by Ade)
I noticed in the holy day festivities at Bali temples that the participants all seemed to throughly enjoy themselves.
In case you missed the faces.
(Photo by Ade)
The procession from Pura Jagaraga stretched for about one kilometer and closed down the main north coast east-west road for over an hour. We encountered this several times on the north coast. Since most of the people here are Hindu, and the temples have several holy days in a year, they are used to the road closings.
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