Pura Beji Sangsit 2019
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© 2019 John Holstein
Pura Beji Sangsit is just a few kilometres east of Singaraja, in Buleleng Province. "Pura Beji dates back from the 15th-century, during the time of the arrival of Brahmins to Bali from the Hindu Majapahit Kingdom of Java. At that time, the village of Sangsit was known as Beji." (Pura Beji Sangsit) Pura Beli Sangsit is also known as Pura Beji Besar.
This is the gate to the middle sanctum. (Photo by Ade Alvian.)
The boys drum band was just getting started with a great performance (listen to the end!) as we entered the middle sanctum.
The community was getting ready for a festival. This is the middle sanctum, and the inner sanctum is on the other side of that huge gate.
Note the billion-year-old plumeria on the left. In Can Tho, Vietnam, there are streets lined with these contorted trees.
Note the Dutch man playing his guitar. (Photo by Ade Alvian)