Jogja (Yogyakarta) 2019
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Jogja & Bali 2019
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© 2019 John Holstein
During this visit in 2019 I was busy doing things other than photography. I have been in Jogja about 10 times already, and if you click on the "Indonesia" link (in the upper left corner), you will find hundreds more photos of Joga taken over the last 15 years.
In the goat sate shop on Parangtritis Street, Prawirotaman 2.
The not-too-spicey foods that I selected from the buffet in this modest warung with great food.
My friend is that little dot sitting at the table under the magnificent banyan tree in front of Pekawalaman Palace.
Another shot of the same banyan tree, just to give you a better sense of its tremendous size.
Jim's birthday party
My 900-year-old bike getting a new set of brake pads at a roadside bike repair shop (which consisted of a tarp strung across the sidewalk).
This and the following photo show how the different classes often find themselves neighbors in the older neighborhoods. These houses in the Minggiran neighborhood are across the lane from each other. This traditional house houses a family of the working class. . .
. . . and an u pper middle classfamily lives in this neighbor.
Didn't even have to ask--they asked me. Is the gentleman on the left showing off his tooth?
An albizia tree guards a rice paddy south of Jogja.
Intrepid explorer John conquering a towering mountain south of Jogja. (Photo by Rio Paul)
Communal paddy work south of Jogja
Fishermen coming home at Ngobaran Beach. Check out more photos of Jogja's beaches.
A visitor to Maharani, my guest house. Check out the video to see how our friend walks.
Street art--too good to call graffiti--is all over Jogja.
Another example of street art. Here's a street art project that occupied an entire village south of Jogja. And you can find a shocking piece here. And a whole page of pieces here.
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