Bali (Singaraja) Dance
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© 2019 John Holstein
The day before our last day in Singaraja we were fortunate to get the news that there would be a performance of traditional dance at the Buleleng Culture Center (Taman Budaya Buleleng). It is held weekly, and is free of charge.
The day before the official performance they had a dress rehearsal. This photo is just intended to how you what the whole place looks like. Too bad it doesn't show the beautiful gardens surrounding the pendopo.
Sanggar Music Group of Singaraja
Our first performance is the Jauk Manis.
Watch his dance here, on Youtube.
She danced the Tari Trunajaya.
See her marvelous dance here, in Ade Alvian's Youtube video.
This is the Barong Singaraja dance.
The lion thinks he is staring down the drummer, showing who's who. Check out my video of the dance.
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