Village Life Around Jogja
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Indonesia Update 2017
The River Walks, 2012~2017

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© 2016 John Holstein
Kids playing with devil masks before a village jathilan.
A seniors' jathilan. This is the pace--slow and easy, but graceful--throughout the shortened dance. Wisdom accumulated through the years has informed them that the spirits of their youth no longer exist, so no one is possessed by the spirits. (Check out the jathilan page.)
Trees in the mountains dwarf humans.
Mt. Merapi, Yogyakarta's active volcano
That airplane is sitting in someone's field. The gentlemen here told us that it was going to become a restaurant. How on earth did they move that plane 10 kilometers from the airport?
Bas-relief of an episode from the Ramayana, on a rock near the entrance to Goa (Cave) Kiskendo.
Sunset at Nglangeran Reservoir
Kedung Pengilon, a public park outside Kasongan, the artists' village southwest of Jogja
Dancers in a Reog Wayang, which is a dance depiction of the demon god Ravana's kidnapping and of Sita, who is subsequently saved by her husband, god Prince Rama. It's a must-see, and you can see it on YouTube.
Characters in reog wayang
At a gate to a village. Sorry I can't explain it.
A lenticular cloud. (Photo by friend Ade.)
Getting around on a motorbike is usually more interesting than in a car.
Mental issues .
Sorry I can't tell you what he's selling--if anything.
One of the many new housing developments going up outside of Jogja. These claustrophobic, treeless developments have nowhere near the beauty of the traditional kampung. Fortunately, the kampung--even in the city--are not disappearing.
A simple bamboo angklung. The next photo shows the bigger one mostly seen in the city.
High school students
Indonesia Update 2017