Parangtritis Beach
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© 2016 John Holstein
Parangtritis Beach is the easiest beach to get to from Jogja (Yogyakarta), about a 40-minute motorbike or car ride, and probably for this reason it is the most heavily visited beach. There are several other popular beaches to the east, with more interesting scenery, as you will see in the page for Ngrenehan Beach and other beaches. But it takes a couple hours on winding, hilly (and very interesting) roads to get to these beaches. You can see more photos from Parangtritis, of a fishing boat battling the waves, on this page.
There are a few of these horse carriages for the beach's visitors.
Restaurants and other facilities for visitors to the beach.
A grizzled old beach bum from Jogja
These lifeguards have to be on the lookout all the time when the beach is crowded, because there is a ferocious undertow all along this coast.