In and Around Jogja, January 2015
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Indonesia Update January 2015

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© 2015 John Holstein
There's lots of street art in Jogja, most of it politically, socially critical.
Not an unusual sunset in Jogja.
The golden hour in Jogja is around 5 p.m. Spied him coming away from a jatihlan performance a few miles west of the city.
Winongo River, on the west side of the city. See more views of this lovely Kali Winongo.
Malioboro Street, downtown
Merapi, an active volcano about 40 km north of the city. WikiTravel: "Literally 'Mountain of Fire', Mount Merapi is the most active volcano in all Indonesia — no mean feat — and it has erupted at least 68 times since 1548." Check out this page for some more views of Merapi.
Ngemplak Pool. That's the name I've given it, anyway. It's fed by a natural spring; you can see and feel the water pumping up through vents in the floor. It was constructed as part of an irrigation project, and when they started to put a cover on it, the local residents told them to leave it off so they could use it as a swimming pool. The water's temp is perfect.
As we played in the pool, this lady had other things on her mind.
You can find more street art at the Geneng Street Art Project.
A warung on the outskirts of town.
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