On the Mid-term

AKL Units 7-9

In general…
Anything that we have studied in class or for homework may be on the exam. Exception: lexicals in the AKL texts (on the first two pages of each unit) and AKL grammar exercises will not be tested.

Verb forms
Know the differences between simple present and present continuous, simple past and present perfect, simple future and future perfect and future continuous. Also: Do you know when to use 'be' and when to use 'become'? 'know' and 'learn'? 'have' and 'get'?

Be sure to know the difference between real and imaginary (unreal) usage, and know how to express the difference with the correct grammar patterns. Know the verb forms that we use for general time and principles, present situations and future situations.

Modals for present and future possibility
Remember that we don't use must to talk about future possibility.

Modals for the past
Remember that these modals express past possibility. We studied two kinds of past possibility: logical possibility (including guessing) and unrealized events/states.
(Don't use should have for past guessing; should have is used only to express past unrealized "obligation.")

Question forms
The question will appear in this format: "You want to know: what kind of work he did when he worked for the bank."
You must write: "What kind of work did he do when he worked for the bank?"

future perfect: focus on completion at or before the mentioned time
future continuous: focus on happening at that time, in progress at the mentioned time
Know the prepositions in time adjuncts (by 2020, within 10 years, in the year 2020, etc.), and include the preposition in the blank.
Remember: If you can't be sure, use a guessing modal.

Background and Sequential patterns
Examples of questions:
I didn't see her because I (read) a very interesting book when she came in. (was reading)
When she (spoke) to me I looked at her. (spoke)

Lexicals from one unit may be used to answer a question about a dialog from another unit. For example, you may want to use the Unit 8 lexical not like the idea of to answer a question about Unit 9's dialog: "At first, George didn't like the idea of keeping the same budget."

Reported Speech
You will have to use reported speech in your lexicals essay if you report what somebody said.

Future in the past
For one or more of the test sections you may need to know how to express future in the past. For example, in the lexicals essay you might need to say "Marsha didn't know that David would give her so much trouble." Or you might need to know this for answering a question in another section.