DRS Exercises Answers

Unit 10

A 1: a. 2: c. 3: b. 4: b. 5: b. 6: a. 7: a. 8: a. 9: b. 10 a.
B 1: c. 2: b. 3: c. 4: a. 5: c. 6: b. 7: b. 8: a. 9: c. 10 b-a.
C 1: the opposite of. 2: idea. 3: show. 4: love. 5: adding on. 6: heavy responsibility. 7: immense. 8: must. 9: have increased. 10: leans.

1: to, of, on. 2: with, of. 3: at, of. 4: of, by, on. 5: from, to, for. 6: of, between. 7: to, to, of, to/for. 8: with, on. 9: between, in, to, up. 10: to, under, in.

E See Paragraph 10.
F 1: Take care of. 2: intense. 3: no proof. 4: appreciate. 5: mad. 6: Very few. 7: turned to. 8: peace. 9: ordinary--unique. 10: independent.
G 1 a) resented; b) resentful; c) resentment; d) resentfully. 2 a) imposition; b) impose. 3 a) pressing; b) pressure; c) pressed. 4 a) Behavioral; b) behavior; c) is behaving. 5 a) investigator; b) investigation; c) investigative; d) have investigated. 6 a) professional; b) professionally; c) professionals; d) profession. 7 a) reasonable; b) reason; c) reasoned; d) reasonably. 8 a) needed; b & c) necessity -- necessarily; d) necessary; e) necessity; f) necessitated (necessitates). 9 a) dependent; b) interdependence; c) dependable; d) dependents; e) depends; f) dependence. 10 a) emphatically; b) emphasize; c) emphasis; d) emphatic.
CC 1: T. 2: T. 3: F. 4: T. 5: F. 6: T. 7: T. 8: T. 9: F. 10: F.