DRS Exercises Answers

Unit 7

A 1: c. 2: c-a-b-d. 3: a. 4: b. 5: c. 6: a. 7: a. 8: a. 9: c. 10. b.
B 1: a. 2: c. 3: a. 4: b. 5: b. 6: c. 7: c-a. 8: c-b. 9: b. 10: a..
C 1: suppose. 2: have no pattern. 3: agrees with. 4: very delicate shades of meaning. 5: powerful. 6: arrogant. 7: curious. 8: anger. 9: very tense. 10: space (around them).
D 1: with, away, in. 2: to, with, of. 3: in, of, through, to, out, of. 4: In, to, at, at, during (in). 5: of, out. 6: by, towards, with. 7: around, of , of, between. 8: behind, of. 9: In, to, into, into. 10: of, by.
E 1: a) relaxing. b) relaxed. 2: a) frozen. b) freezing. 3: a) exciting. b) excited. 4: a) spoken. b) speaking. 5: a) absorbing. b) absorbed. 6: identifying. 7: a) disturbing. b) disturbed. 8: adopted. 9: required. 10: isolated. 11: a) relaxing. b) relaxed. 12: identified. 13: disturbed. 14: waiting. 15: liked. 16: produced. 17: related. 18: behaving. 19) varying. 20: made.
F 1: looked into his mother's eyes quickly. 2: stared at me intently. 3: brilliant idea. 4: studied me carefully. 5: treat casually. 6: contradict. 7: know immediately. 8: moderates. 9: in general. 10: indirect.
G 1 a) absorb. b) absorbing. c) absorbent. d) absorption. 2 a) politician, political. b) politics. c) Politically. 3 a) identification. b) identifying. c) identify. d) identifiable. 4 a) observed. b) observant. c) observations. d) observer. 5 a) disturbed. b) disturbing. c) disturbance. d) disturb. e) disturbingly. 6 a) required. b) requires. c) requirements. 7 a) will succeed. b) successful. c) successfully. d) success. 8 a) tense. b) tensely. c) tension. d) tensed. 9 a) indicated. b) indication. c) indicative. d) indicator. 10 a) are / were intended. b) intentionally. c) intently. d) intent. e) intention. f) intentional.
CC 1: T. 2: F. 3: T. 4: F. 5: F. 6: T. 7: T. 8: T. 9: T. 10: T.