
(DRS Units 9, 10)

Correct or Incorrect?

The pitch: Say the complete sentence.

First base: If there is an error, correct it. If there is no error, say "No error."

Further base: Say the whole sentence.

  1. Younger women expect their mother to help them pick up the piece. (pick up the pieces) (2)
  2. That's how she wants not to grow old. (That’s not how) (3)
  3. My daughter will never speak to me if she knew how mad I get. (daughter would never or finds out how mad) (3)
  4. My daughter would never, ever speak to me if she knows how mad I get. (if she knew) (3)
  5. Fathers are somewhat less influencing than mothers in working-class families. (influential) (3)
  6. The Indo-Europeans grew such domestic animals as sheep and dogs. (raised) (3)
  7. The Indo-Europeans appear to overcame the local inhabitants wherever they went. (to have overcome) (2)
  8. The possibility of so many languages descended from a common ancestor was first noted long ago. (having descended) (3)
  9. Indo-European includes two great classical languages of antiquity. (2)
  10. Who were the original Indo-Europeans, and when and where did they live in? (they live) (2)
  11. English and Dutch are German languages. (Germanic) (2)
  12. I'm sure he is a German, because he speaks German and comes from German. (comes from Germany) (2)
  13. Grown daughters can be annoying when their mothers get to be too much. (when life gets to be too much for their mothers) (home run)
  14. One language is related to another if it has similar vocabularies. (they/the two/both have) (3)
  15. There is resentment when generations try to influence on each other. (influence each other). (2)
  16. To enhance the matrifocal tilt is the tendency for young married couples to move near the wife's mother. (Enhancing) (home run)
  17. Many young woman want help in picking up the pieces. (women) (3)
  18. By attempting to reconstruct Proto-Indo-European we can illustrate certain tentative conclusions. (we can draw certain) (2)
  19. There is still no definitive theory about where did the first Indo-Europeans live. (where the first Indo-Europeans lived) (home run)
  20. The Roman Empire spread a great part of Europe. (spread across OR throughout OR over) (2)
  21. Later the Empire began to fall down. (fall apart) (2)
  22. Who need grandparents? Children do. (needs) (3)
  23. Older women want their own life. (have) (3)
  24. Women with growing daughters have a lot to do. (grown) (2)
  25. Older women have a lot of works to do. (work) (2)
  26. Older women want to see their children on their one day off. (don’t want) (3)

Word Forms

The pitch: Say the complete sentence, but say "Blank" where you see a blank.

First base: Say the correct form of the word, including function words.

Further base: Say the whole sentence.



About 2500 B.C. Indo-Europeans began ___ several groups. to separate into (2)


Your ___ reminds me of a chimpanzee on drugs. behavior (2)


Written ___ are the basis of history. documents (2)


It can _____ the original Koreans inhabited a cold northern region. be assumed that (3)


Germanic is a term used ___ a subgroup in the European family of languages. to designate (3)


The original Koreans were a remarkable people who possessed unusual ___. origins. (2)


Much of what we know about prehistoric Koreans ___ our attempts to reconstruct their language. is based on (3)


The idea that Korean is a member of the Altaic family of languages ___ long ago. was conceived (2)


More than 300,000 inventions are thought ___ the invention of electricity. to have developed from (Home run!)


I feel ___ when you ask me to do your homework for you. imposed on/ upon (3)


Now I’m sure you feel ___. under pressure (pressure is also correct, but learn this too.) (Home run!)


I resent ___ my friends on my time and energy. the imposition of (Home run!)


There is ___ that the final exam is not going to be too easy. reason to believe (2)


Having fewer outside resources created ___ interdependence between generations. the necessity of (3)


If an older person is ___, grown children should not impose. a professional / in a profession (2)


I ___ it if you win this game. will resent (2)


I don't want ___, but could you sit next to me during the exam? to impose (3)


I can’t help you because I have too many ___ obligations. pressing (2)


A ___ scientist would find you a very interesting subject for a study on psychopathic behavior. behavioral (Home Run!)


Investigators do ___ work. investigative (2)


This game ___ your need to study more. emphasizes (2)


You are being ___ if you expect me to give you a break with this pitch. unreasonable (3)


The article in DRS ___ one kind of generation gap. puts/places emphasis on or emphasizes (2)

Complete the blank

The pitch: Say the complete sentence, but say "Blank" where you see a blank. Then say the parenthesized cue.

First base: Say the word or words which correctly fill the blank.

Further base: Say the whole sentence.

  1. Married children don't realize the resentment felt ___ their aged parents. (part) on the part of (2)
  2. In 1812 Napolean’s forces ___ by Wellington’s. (overrun) were overrun (3)
  3. We refer to Mr. Macstein as middle-aged because he ___. (50) is in his 50's (3)
  4. I was forced to take the bus to school today because my Mercedes (Benz) ___. (break) broke down (2)
  5. Interdependence implies a lot of visiting ___ between the two generations. (forth) back and forth (3)
  6. ___ I hate you, but ___ I love your money. (hand) On one hand — on the other hand (2)
  7. It's never been common to have 3 generations ___ in America. (roof) under one roof (2)
  8. Linguists have been able to ___ Indo-European society. (conclusion) draw (certain) conclusions about (Home run!)
  9. One must ___ you haven’t studied English since middle school. (conclude) conclude that (2)
  10. ___ Indo-Europeans inhabited eastern Europe. (general consensus) The general consensus is that (Home run!)
  11. I don’t want ___ you, but would you help me? (impose) to impose upon/on (2)
  12. I don’t want ___, but would you help me? (impose) to impose (2)
  13. Some Indo-Europeans went to India while others ___ Italy. (make way) made their way to/into (Home run!)
  14. This sentence will ___ show your ignorance. (serve) serve to (3)
  15. Around 2500 B.C. the Indo-European civilization began ___. (break) to break apart/up (2)
  16. My friend is always going ___ the OB Hof and the billiards hall. (back) back and forth between (Home Run!)
  17. Don’t you sometimes feel that life ___? (too much) gets to be too much (Home Run!)
  18. Sometimes when I have a pressing problem I feel that I have no one ___. (turn) to turn to (3)