
Awareness is probably the most essential quality in language learning. If we are not aware of all the elements in the structure of a lexical, we can't learn the lexical correctly; if we aren't aware of the true meaning of a word, we can't use it correctly; if we aren't aware of the context in which the lexical is used, we can't learn the lexical correctly.

When we write (or say) something ourselves: If we are not aware of what our words are actually saying, we can't express ourselves accurately.

The following sentences (from the "Do-it-yourself Word Usage" activity) have logic problems that could have been avoided with a little keener awareness.

"What kinds of background helped her to be the first female dean of Kuwait University?"

What do you mean by "kinds of background"?

By the way, do you know the word "qualifications"? You were supposed to have learned it in AKL: Advanced, Unit 1, in your sophomore year. How about the word "credentials"?

"How many females are there in Kuwait University?"

This question can't be answered with the DRS reading, so why ask it?

"What percentage of female students attend Kuwait University?"

Try this in Korean. You'll see that it doesn't work logically in Korean either.

CORRECTED: What percentage of Kuwait University students are women?

"How did she become a professor a law school faculty of 42 years?"

What does "of 42 years" refer to? Law school faculty? Why use of?

"Why had her male colleagues not opposed the first female dean of law school?"

Oppose her, or oppose her appointment? In the reading it says "didn't resist that much." When you were reading the article, did you ask yourself, "Resist what?"

Here are a couple language problems that I found in the questions:

"What many percentage of women attend college in Kuwait?"

CORRECTED: What percentage...

What is her career?

"Career" does not mean kyeongryeok or job. Throw away your bilingual dictionary; use your monolingual dictionary to find out how native speakers understand the word "career."