Why Study Writing?

(from "Student Guide to the First-Year Writing Program," The Virginia Tech First-Year Writing Program, Guide for Students 2000-2001; http://www.english.vt.edu/~1styear/sg.html)

We know what you're thinking. "I've been learning to read and write in school for thirteen years! Why am I required to take composition again in college?"

Real-World Voices

"People who can't write don't last very long around here. We can't afford them."

--Scientific Consulting Firm Executive

"If you want to move up to an executive position, you have to build good writing skills. You can't make it without that."

--Rick Lipton, Marketing Representative

"Scientists and engineers who do not have the ability to write effectively will be greatly handicapped in the furtherance of their careers, no matter how brilliant or competent they may otherwise be."

--Wesley P. Gross, Chairman of the Board of the Magma Copper Company

"New graduates routinely experience `shock at the amount of writing that is required by the employer in the routine performance of the job' and `shock . . . over the bearing that the quality of their writing has on their success in the position, both in terms of . . . salary and promotions.'"

--John Long (Virginia Tech Graduate), Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission

Real-World Numbers

(Back to SKKU) One reason not to learn to write well:

Several of the graduates of the English Language Program report that co-workers and superiors often ask them for help in writing reports and letters, even in Korean language. If you don't know how to write, no one will bother you with requests for advice.