Why Many Couples See Movies

by Kim Seon-yeong

When you go to the movie, you can see many couples who also go to the movies. Why do so many couples want to see the movies? There is a very important reason that they try to know each other more specifically. You can choose the movie according to what you want to know about your future fiance's opinions of three aspect: family, society, and love.

When you want to know you future fiance's opinion of family, you can choose movies dealing with family. Such movies can help you to ask your future fiance's family value and any solutions if there are problems among your family. That kind of movies are "The Cure," "Andre," and "Before and After." Take, for example, "Before and After." The movie focus on a son who kills his girl-friend by mistake and his family who try to hid his guilty. Trying to do that, however, family come to find the true way to take good care of one another. After seeing this movie, you can talk about family role to make happiness and another better solution in the movie's situation. Therefore, it is important to see family movie and discuss family value, the betterment of family and so on because it let you know your future fiance's own mind of family.

In addition to knowing future fiance's opinion of family, you probably would realize your future fiance's awareness of society by the movies. The movies dealing with problems of society-such as "Dead Man Walking," "Murder in the First," and Channel 69"-can give you good sense to talk about problems and solutions of society. For example, after seeing "Dead Man Walking" you can discuss death penalty because this movie gives the motivation to talk about the penalty by dealing with a man condemned to death. Hence, by seeing movies concerned with various problems of society and talking about the problems and each of its own solutions of society, it is surely interesting to use these kind of movies as a means to derive your future fiance's reflections on society.

Besides coming to know future fiance's ideas about family and society, you maybe resume your future fiance's opinion of love by the movies. When it comes to love, romantic movie, like "French Kiss," "Before the Sun Rises," and "Love Affair," would make mood to say about love more naturally. How about "French Kiss" among them? The movie deals with the happening that engaged man is falling in love with another woman, so you and your future fiance probably would suppose to happen to yourselves and find out the solution, finally you can figure out your future fiance's attitude to love. Consequently, as far as making mood to talk about love more naturally and coming to know your future fiance's thoughts of love, it is certainly good way to see romantic movies.

In conclusion, if you are intent on knowing your future fiance's own mind of family, society, and love by using movies dealing with each of its subject, you no longer onlooker because you can discuss each subject with your future fiance and figure out his/her opinions: Maybe that's why so many couples go to the movies.