Arbor Day

Thesis: Arbor Day is one way that contributed to making Korea's devastated forests luxuriant again.

Korean forests were damaged terribly for main three reasons that reckless timber cutting in the end of the Choson Dynastic, Japanese plundering and the K orean War. In the end of the Choson Dynastic (early 1900's) forests began to damaged badly for "fire-field" agriculture and timber cutting for fuel. In this period protection of forests and prohibition of cutting trees didn't take effectwell owing to political confusion. So "fire-field" farmers spreaded and lumbering for fuel was increased, which caused to damage forests. In the colonial period forests was devastated extremely by Japanese plundering for their own use. They cut down forests for the paper industry, construction railroads, fuel, supplies for war and taking to Japan. Among these purpose of plundering timber cutting to take to Japan gave the best damage. At that time the amount of forest trees in Korea was 3511.2 million hectares (ha); however, during 20 years (from 1920 to 1940 ) remained recording the amount of forest trees they carried to their county was 731.5 million ha. After Korea got out of the rule of Japan, forests were destroyed much more exceedingly without spare time to revive due to the Korean war. During the war forests was stripped bare by bombing and cutting for military o perations. Besides people lumbered recklessly to secure fuel. Because of these main three reasons Korean forests was devastated and consequently the amount offorest by each hectare declined remarkably to 6 in 1952 while it was 43 in 1910.

As time went by, people recognized necessity of protecting forests, so Arbor Day was established in 1949 as one way to revive devastated forests. Above all, government went in advance of planting trees and persuaded people to plant trees in Arbor Day. The office of Forestry planted a lot of trees which had prouctive values like pine trees, nut trees, and birch every year on this day. Government established periods of forestation for same weeks before and after Arbor Day and campaign for planting trees. They also recommended people plant trees by distributing young trees and seeds of flowers to people on the street in Arbor Day. On the one hand, civil activities in Arbor Day were also active. Private organizations were made by people who were interested in protecting forests. These groups voluntarily campaigned for planting trees and protecting forests before and after Arbor Day. In addition these groups's actives, many people planted trees individually on mountains nearby their home. Students also took small trees to school and planted them around village in Arbor day. Government and people tried together to make dense forests in Arbor Day with lively activi ties like these.

This establishment and enforcement of Arbor Day helps to make devastated forests be luxuriant. Becoming luxuriant forests is ascertained by changed looksand real statistical data which shows forest trees increased. We can see 1940' s bare mountains through the TV program or prints. But nowadays we can see dense forests whenever or wherever we go around the land. In addition to the changed looks of forest, real statistical data proves that our forest is luxuriant. The first statistical data is that the amount of forest trees was 60 million ha in 1946 and it escalated to 340 million ha in 1998. That is the present forest is five times the amount of 1940's forest. Another statistical data is that the amount of number provided by each hectare was 9.6 in 1967 but it increased to 53 in 1998. This data means our forest is denser than it was before. Arbor Day was the one way for our forests to became luxuriant substantially.


Choi Ryeong-eun

Lee Hyun-sun

Chung Mi-jung


< Final Team Outline >

Thesis statement : Arbor Day is one way that contributed to made devastated forests be luxuriant again.

I. Korean forests were damaged terribly because of main reason that reckless timber cutting in the end of the Choson Dynastic, Japanese plundering and the Korean War.

A. reckless timber cutting in the end of Choson Dynastic

B. Japanese plundering

C. the Korean War

II. As time went by, people recognized necessity of protecting forests, so Arbor Day was established in 1949 as one way to revive devastated forests.

A. Government's effort in Arbor Day

B. civil activities in Arbor Day

III. This establishment and enforcement of Arbor Day helps to make devastat ed forests be luxuriant.

A. Changed looks

B. statical data

< First Team Outline >

Thesis statement :Arbor Day was established to revive devastated forests to b e luxuriant.

I. Our forests was devastated due to Japanese plundering, the korean War.

A. Japanese plundering

B. the Korean War

II. Established Arbor Day made people plant and conserve trees.

A. campaign to plant trees

B. conservation of forests

III. Our forests was grown densely by Arbor Day.

A. luxuriant forests