I believe that H.S. is much more attractive to women than I am because he is kinder, more eloquent and richer than I am. The reason that he is more attrative than I am is that he is always kind to women who meet him. For example, when a woman asks him about her homework in English class he always explains her how to do it clearly. On the other hand, women in English class have a tendency to consider that I am impolite to them because I don't answer their questions. Another reason that H.S. is more attractive than I am is that he is eloquent. For instance, even at his first meeting with a beautiful woman he can express his feelings of how beautiful she is. In contrast, if I went on a date with the woman he dated I would be at a loss to express my feelings. The last reason that women feel attracted to H.S. much more than me is that he is rich. Whenever he goes on a date with a woman, for example, he always buys a present for her. I, in contrast, don't have much money for presents. Considering all of the reasons that he's kinder, richer and more eloquent than I am, women will like him.

Kim Yu-gon