Jungle in Seoul

My little cousin's room is a jungle with so many beautiful contents. The room is a rectangular room with all four walls painted light green. The door is in the lower right corner. As you enter the room, the first thing you can see is a big plant against the right wall to the front of the entrance. It has big flat green leaves and has a pleasant smell of freshness. The plant itself is like a small jungle. Next to the plant and in the upper right corner of the room is his desk. It is a big wooden desk that looks like a trunk of a big tree. On top of the desk, on the right side, is a glass tank. Inside there live two iguanas which are my cousin's favorite pets. Their dwelling place is made of real rocks and small plants. Then, there is his window on the opposite wall from the door. It is a big window and it take up most of the wall. The curtains of the window are long blue cloths that make the impression of a beautiful waterfall. In the upper left corner of the room is his bed. The cover is a dark green blankets with laces. You would think it was a bed of leaves with vines crawling across it. To top it off, the pillow is actually the shape of a funny-looking monkey. On the wall above the bed hangs my cousin's favorite poster of-guess what-Tarzan. Last, but not least, there is his bookcase in the lower left corner of his jungle. It is full of colorfully illustrated books. Also, there are furry animal dolls and my cousin's little animal friends made of clay. The whole atmosphere of my cousin's room is going to make you think of a jungle.


Lee Ji-u'n