

Kim Jo'ng-min

When our parents were young, they were not allowed wear all the clothes or our hair the way we are used to wearing these days. In the 1970s, Korean women were prohibited to wear short skirts. People were very conservative and strict to women's behavior and appearance. Some brave girls who started wearing short skirts were shunned by many people. On the other hand, today we can wear any kinds of clothes that we want. We wear tank top, micro mini-skirt. Nobody can point at the person who is loudly dressed. In our parents' day, they also had some restrict in their hair style. Korean men in the '70s were not allowed to have long hair. Policemen carried a ruler and scissors in their hand, and cut long hair. Nowadays, we are free to grow our hair as much as we wish. There's many guys who grow their hair very long. Furthermore, when we go out on the streets these days, we can easily find red, yellow, purple heads walking around. We think these styles as one's own individuality and character.