Tet in Can Tho
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Vietnam Delta 2019
Can Tho
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© John Holstein 2019
Tet (Vietnam's new year celebration) in Can Tho 2019 was a scene of beautiful women showing off in beautiful tradition garment, flower shopping and flower displays, and dining with family and friends.
A major street and roundabout in downtown Can Tho are lit up to celebrate Tet.

Ships from all over the delta deliver plants that will go to vendors lining many of the city's streets.

Vietnamese love the bonsai tree, and they produce some of fine artistry. Check out this one from Saigon (in 2003), at the bottom of the page.
This canary melon tree will make a great gift.
The most informative feature in this photo is the woman in the lower left corner. Yes, the war is truly over.
The Tet display in front of Sense Department Store downtown. For at least a week many young ladies dress up in their traditional finest to get some photo memories.
That display is made entirey of veggies and nuts and seeds. Check out a close-up shot below. Saw the same idea in Bali during this trip.
Dining with family and friends keeps these outdoor restaurants buzzing for the two weeks of Tet holiday. This is a screen capture of a video I took.
On their way home, the Tet diners will enjoy this bridge lit up with Tet memes.
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